Terms of use

Terms of use

These General Terms of Sale apply to the goods and services sold by our company under the name Anastasios Michailidis and Co. OE.

The acceptance of the General Terms implies the application in their entirety.

They are valid for every registered order on the website bookstore.com.gr and constitute an integral part between the company Anastasios Michailidis and SIA OE and the Customer. Every user who enters and trades or uses the services of the online store agrees and unconditionally accepts the following terms expressed here, without any reservation. If a user does not agree with these terms, then it is his responsibility to refrain from visiting, using the website as well as from any transaction or use of the services of the online store.


  1. Registration or Login / Customer Personal Information

For security reasons of the transactions, the user of the online store (hereinafter “User” or “Customer”) before starting the process of submitting his first order must register in the online store and create a customer account. To register or connect the User to the online store you will need to fill out the registration form, including the following information: email address, last name, first name, gender, date of birth, complete delivery address, telephone number. The Customer is committed to providing complete and accurate information.

This information remains strictly confidential. Any impersonation or false identity statement can lead to account closure and criminal prosecution. Multiple entries, use of the account by other persons or other fraudulent actions may result in the account being deactivated.

The Customer acknowledges that he is able to commit and proceed with the purchase of products offered on the website bookstore.com.gr The Company refuses any sale to minors under the age of 16, without the necessary parental consent, which in this case will be continuously requested.

The Company, strictly following the principles of personal data protection provided by law and international conventions, will not make any completely unfair use without your prior approval.

The Company in no way discloses, publishes, sells or exchanges the personal data and information that you trust us. Exceptionally, your personal information may be made public by the company, always in compliance with the procedure provided by law, when this is required by a Public Authority, Court, etc


  1. Sale – Product Prices

The sale is addressed to consumers who have a shipping address in Greece or Cyprus. The prices listed next to each product include the corresponding VAT imposed on a case by case basis. These prices refer to products that are available until our stocks are exhausted, while it reserves the right to adjust the prices of the products without notice. The Company undertakes to notify the Customer via e-mail that it has placed an order with a product not available.


  1. Confirmation of receipt of electronic order – Preparation of sale

The order is not binding on the Company before the Customer receives the relevant confirmation of acceptance of the order, as described below. The order is considered received by the Company from the moment the Customer receives a relevant update of the order status with the indication “Confirmation of Order

Order status updates are displayed on the User’s screen and sent by email to the contact email address entered by the User / Customer. The status of the order is constantly updated as and when changes occur during the management of the order. The Customer must check the “Order Registration Confirmation” and immediately inform the Company (no later than 2 hours from the time of receipt of electronic notice marked “Order Registration”) in writing for any error, otherwise the information referred to in ” Confirmation Order Registration “will be applied in accordance with the contract of sale. During the processing of each registered order, the stock availability of the products of the order is confirmed.

In case the availability or delivery time differs from the one indicated on the product page, the Customer will receive a relevant information. In
particular, the Company and if it ascertains the availability of the product and the lack of any errors in the online store regarding the pricing or the price of the products, their characteristics, etc. by email will confirm the acceptance of the order. The above e-mail will explicitly confirm the content of the order, the total price, and the estimated delivery time of the order, as it became known to the Customer already before the submission of the order.

The status of the order is constantly updated as and when changes occur during the management of the Customer’s order. The Customer is obliged to check the status of his order and to immediately inform the Company in writing of any error in the order, otherwise the information mentioned in the Order Acceptance Confirmation will be applied in accordance with the sales contract.


  1. Delivery of order – Pick up from physical store free of charge:

In case the Customer chooses during the submission of his order, collection from the Company’s store, he is obliged to receive his order within three calendar days.

If the Customer does not receive the product within three (3) calendar days, the Company reserves the right to withdraw from the sale. To receive the order, the Customer must present the order confirmation (order code) as well as an official identity document (such as a police ID card or passport).

If the Customer wishes to authorize a third party to receive his order, then the third authorized person must have with him a special authorization to receive the specific order legally considered by KEP or police or other Authority as well as an official document necessary for the inspection. of identity card (police ID, passport, etc.). Since after the receipt of the products, the risk passes to the Customer, the latter must check upon receipt of the products he receives, as by signing at receipt he confirms that he has received the products of his order correctly. Delivery to the place specified by the Customer: In case the product is sent to the place chosen by the Customer, the product is delivered to an external partner – carrier and the
Customer is informed electronically that the product is ready to be shipped.

Shipping costs are calculated based on the Customer’s order.

Any incorrect registration by the Customer and therefore incorrect calculation of shipping costs is not the responsibility of the Company, but the Customer.

It is noted that the Customer can choose the transport with his own means and costs, however, in this case, the products are transported at his own risk. To receive the order, the Customer will present to the external partner-carrier the order confirmation (order code) and the notice of shipment, as well as an official identity document (such as a police ID card, or passport). If the Customer wishes to authorize a third party to receive his order, then the third authorized person must demonstrate special authorization to receive the specific order legally considered by KEP or police or other Authority as well as an official document necessary to verify the identity (police ID, passport, etc.). Since after the receipt of the products, the risk passes to the Customer, the latter must check upon receipt of the products he receives, as by signing at receipt he confirms that he has received the products of his order correctly.

If the Customer does not receive the product and despite the relevant notice from the carrier, the company reserves the right to withdraw from the sale.


  1. Payment

The payment of the products will be made, by bank deposit, e-pos, cash on delivery or cash at the company’s headquarters in accordance with the respective tax legislation. The customer is obliged to pay the exact price of the product as well as transfer fees charged to him.


  1. Right of withdrawal from the distance contracts based on Law 2251/1994 (as amended by K.Y.A. Z1-891 / 2013) – Return of products

The Customer can easily return the products he has bought from the online store because he simply changed his mind, within fourteen (14) days of receiving them.

The Customer can deliver the products directly to the Company’s store or send them at his own expense. In any case for online orders, the Customer can contact the Company before returning the products. In particular, the Customer has the above right to return a product purchased from the online store without stating the reasons, under the following terms and conditions:

(a) Within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of conclusion of the service contract (in the case of services) or from delivery (in the case of products) or receipt (when the Customer has selected “receipt from the store ») And in case of many goods ordered by the Customer with one order and delivered separately from the time of receipt and the latter, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the sale (hereinafter” Withdrawal “).

(b) This withdrawal is unjustified and the Customer must return the product exactly in the excellent condition in which it was received. In particular, the returned product should not have been used, should be in excellent condition (“as new”), as just before its sale, in its complete original packaging (box, nylon, foam, etc.) which should not have any tears or damage / alterations) and with all the contents of the original packaging (instructions for use, specifications and warranties, connection cables, installation software, etc.). In addition, in order for the product to be returned, the original purchase
document (retail receipt, invoice) must be presented by the person who originally purchased the product and whose details are printed on the purchase document.

(c) The return of the item is accepted, only if the Customer has previously paid any amount charged by the Company for the shipment of the product to him and the shipping costs for its return.

(d) The declaration of withdrawal is exercised in writing by completing the relevant form and sending it to the Company and the Company is obliged to confirm in writing the receipt of the declaration of withdrawal as soon as it receives it.

(e) The Customer is obliged to return the products within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day on which he notified the withdrawal to the Company’s store.(f) Following the withdrawal statement, the company is obliged to return to the Customer the price received. In case of debiting the Customer by credit card, the Company, if it has received the price from the Bank, will be obliged to inform the Bank about the cancellation of the transaction and the Bank will take any foreseen action. Following this information, the Company bears no responsibility for the time and manner of execution of the rebuttal, which is regulated by the contract concluded between the issuing bank and the Customer. In the event that the Customer had chosen the option “collection from the store”, the refund to him will be made from the Company’s store.

(f) The refund of the price due to withdrawal to the Customer will be made no later than fourteen (14) working days from the time the Company received proven knowledge of its withdrawal.

(g) The Customer is responsible to indemnify the Company, if he made use other than that necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods in the period until the declaration of withdrawal, and the company is entitled to agree with the Customer its compensation even by mutual set-off. In case the withdrawal concerns the provision of services, the Customer must pay an amount commensurate with the provided until the withdrawal statement. If
the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal any concluded contracts expire automatically, at no cost to the Customer.

(h) Product that was sold with an additional gift must be returned with the additional gift, otherwise the value of the gift will be deducted from the refunded amount.


  1. Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal of term 6

The right of withdrawal from article 4 § 10 of Law 2251/1994 does not apply: In cases where the price of the products has been paid in the Company’s store and in addition, the products have been received from the said store, as the sale is not considered to have taken place from distance. Products that have been used.

Sealed products that were unsealed after delivery such as e.g. open consumables (inks, papers, etc.). Service contracts after the full provision of the service if the execution started with the previous explicit consent of the Customer, and with his acknowledgment that he will lose his right of withdrawal
once the contract is fully executed by the Company.

Claims due to defect or lack of agreed quality The Withdrawal of term 6 hereof does not apply to defective products or products in which there is a lack of agreed quality, which are covered by their respective warranties.

In case of liability of the Company for a real defect or for lack of agreed quality of the product (“legal guarantee”), the Customer is entitled at his choice:
(a) require, without charge, the correction or replacement of the product with another, unless such action is impossible or requires disproportionate costs;

(b) request a price reduction; or

c) withdraw from the contract of sale, unless it is an insignificant actual defect. For a property to be considered contracted, it must have been agreed in writing. If the Customer chooses the correction or replacement of the product, the Company must make a correction or
replacement in a reasonable time. The above rights of the Customer by law (AK 540) expire after two years for mobile phones. In any case, the Customer finds a defect has the opportunity to contact the online store immediately after delivery on the same day or the next business day. If a product is declared defective by the Customer, the Company expressly reserves the right to diagnose the product as defective by competent technicians.


  1. Information provided & Products

The Company is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information provided in the online store, in terms of the identity of the company and the transactions provided through the online store. The Company is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made by mistake / inadvertence during the common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever it realizes their existence.


  1. Limitation of Liability

The Company in the context of its transactions from the online store is not responsible and is not obliged to compensate for any damage or loss arising from
the cancellation of orders, non-execution or delay in their execution, for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the online store, but informs the interested customer about the non-availability based on the observed data and undertakes in case of change of these data, to inform the customers in time about the non-availability, in which case bears no further responsibility. The online store provides the content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations) of the products available through the website “exactly as they are”.

In no case is the Company liable or criminally liable for any loss (positive, special or negative, which indicatively and not restrictively, divisively and / or cumulatively consists in loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) that may a visitor to the online store or a third party due to a reason related to the operation or not and / or use of the website or inability to provide products and / or information available by him and / or from any unauthorized interventions of third parties in products or / and information available through it. The Company does not provide a guarantee, nor does it guarantee protection for the suitability of a sold product for any specific purpose.



The photos of the products are indicative and not representative / binding and may not be related to the final product you will receive.




In any case, it should be clear that the delivery time of your order also depends on the availability of the products.

In case all the products you want are not available, you will receive them in partial shipments.

Force majeure:

If for reasons of force majeure (eg extreme weather conditions, strikes, etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products to you within the predetermined time, we will let you know.

Company Responsibility:

The Company is not responsible for defects or poor quality of the products available to its customers . Advertising messages: The Company provides its users with the opportunity to choose if they wish to be informed about our new products and our offers, by sending informative messages to their email or postal address or by phone.


Like most sites on the internet, on our website we use cookies so that we have access to certain information every time you browse with a web browser on
our website.

Without the use of cookies it would be impossible to offer you important services such as order status, personal settings or adding items to the cart. Cookies are alphanumeric files that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive via the internet so that we can offer you services like those mentioned above.

In your browser settings you can choose to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies or asking you every time a new cookie is to be installed on your hard drive.

But you should know that if you choose to block the storage of cookies on your hard drive you will not be able to use some of our services.

Modification of the terms hereof:

The Company reserves the right to modify or renew the terms of use and terms of transactions. It is clarified that in case of modification, the terms that were valid on the day you placed the order will apply to your order.

Applicable Law:

All transactions you make through our website are governed by Greek law governing matters relating to e-commerce as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) governing matters relating to distance selling.

Any dispute that arises and which arises from the contractual relationship between the Company and the Customer, the competent Courts of Syros are responsible for resolving it. The protection provided by the provisions of the law on distance contracts, as well as these terms, is emphasized that it applies to transactions only with natural persons, who are traded for reasons that do not fall within their commercial, craft, business or freelance business activity.

If any part of the rules of sale in accordance with these terms proves invalid or unenforceable by a court decision, the remaining contract will remain in force. All notifications must be made in writing (by hand, e-mail, fax or letter by mail

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